Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Big Bag Theory...

So often I am asked "why do you always carry a big bag?" And intially it would throw me off guard because I have always liked BIG things(I live in Texas for one, and everything is big there, and I love big hair, big jewelry, men who are "big", oops thinking out loud) but anyway, I just naturally believed the more space the better!

The ironic thing is there are many times I would be carrying a bag the size of child with nothing but my cell phone and wallet(and my wallet is a ciggarette case lol). So my whole purpose was big bag equals utility! I can shove my whole life in there and go on about my day, no worries.I'm not really girly girly, so often times I don't even carry a purse.

So check it, has anyone else noticed as skirts are getting shorter, bags are getting bigger?! But how can you not love your almost 2ft miu miu purse?! How can you turn away from your extra fabric Balenciaga, and accentuated louis??? You don't! Even if that hoe is a cutie from the thrift store (and vintage is priceless!)You gotta rock it!
Why? Because big bags :
1. Are conveinent! You can always put a pair of flip flops in there when your feet are literally shaking from wearing heels for 6 hours! (And all my fashionistas know about the leg shake when its time to take those heels off!)
2. You can wear any outfit with a big bag! You can even be naked! How many ads have you see where the chic is naked and all she is sportin is a super fly bag?!
3. To follow that. You can have on something shitty and your big bag will actually make you decent and not get completely bashed! You see celebs do it all the time in the press, look like crap but are rocking a fly elaine turner! I'm just sayin tho!
4.It makes all your girlfriends jealous and envious and want a big bag like yours.
5. It makes gay men jealous and envoius and want a big bag like yours.
6. Someone will give you a compliment on your big bag(everytime you wear it, even if u see that person everyday)
7.Did I mention convenient?
8. Usally bb have more creative and appealing styles!
9. Never go out of style!!!!

Now of course there are cons like everything else, especially when the bb power is for evil not good! Like
1. When you see everyone with the same bb! (2007 fendi hobo was everywherean even the knock offs and that was annoying as hell! Yall know which one I'm talking about! The hobo with the braided handles and horsebit buckle)
2.When people use their bb for stealing especially at stores or even your house.
3 when the strap breaks!!!!! Omg! That is the worst! That is like death!
4. When you get a hole and all your small items like keys get stuck in the lining :(
5. Looking for your keys lol.
6. When you need a small bag like a clutch and all you have is bbs! Ew fustrating!

So you see my friends, we must cherish our overly sized pouchers!for God created heaven and earth and big bags!



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