Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A wtf Moment: MEN and there damn SJ's!

I have said it once, and I will say it again, in fact Im going to keep saying it till something gets done... this is one of those WTF moments, where you find yourself still trying to figure out, how the hell is this still a trend! GUYS, please STOP WEARING DAMN SKINNY JEANS!!! (and no offense to my hip hop heads who are trying to rock this Kanye west meets Tribe called quest look of a disaster, and want to be rocker/hipsters who you cant tell if they are a woman or man)

LOOK, guys let me break it down to you, I dont know who started this trend, and I know "Cheap Monday Jeans" are making a killing off profit, but the truth is, it is just simply NOT attractive in more ways than one... and im sorry if this offends anyone, i mean they finally figured it out for women, thats why you dont see it on chics anymore, but damn YO, this trend is eating up the masses, like maggots eat week old tuna! :@
so if your wondering, "Why miss jenius, does this bother you?" well my deal is my penis carrying members of the other gender let me tell you...

1. It's NOT in the least bit attractive, its like a dude carrying a purse, which is equally annoying, CANT WOMEN HAVE THEIR OWN THING!!( i mean I would love to switch my PMS, for Guy problems any day, yall can have that!)
2. It's even worse when your saggin your SJ's and you have a gut, and it looks like their is pound of feces draggin your pants ( i mean at this point what is the purpose of saggin, when they are skin tight...really.)
3. Ask yourself is this something you want to show to your kids when you get older? their dad wearing electric blue skinny jeans with a flannel shirt?
4. It degrades your MANHOOD! okay fellas, let me let you in on a lil something in a womans mind, we have a "bulge" theory, and one thing is for certain, just because you cant see "it" doesnt mean that there is nothing there, infact if you dont see it, you more than likely are in for a suprise, but when you wear SJ's everything is on front street, and Im sorry to tell you, I have been able to measure quite a few from observation, and SJ's will show everything ( and lack there of) (Dont do that to yourself.)
5. its almost like your wearing pantyhose.
6.Did i mention its not attractive.
7. Most men who wear skinny J's are short. (i have noticed this) by no means will wearing them increase your height.
8. Man, what happened to Jnco wide leg jeans, those were the ish back in the day.
9. Women dont like it, and for the most part we make fun of yall for wearing them. (if i had a qauter for every woman who rolled their eyes when they saw a dude in skinny talk about who wants to be a millionaire)
10. I have given more than enough reasons to stress its not attractive and attack the male ego... anything else is secondary.

We feel about skinny jeans, the way guys feel about women wearing make up!

so im just saying... give your balls the freedom they deserve! this is a free country! lets practice freedom!

say no to skinny jeans!

ridiculously yours
karyn j

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