Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Art of Couture... Jenius ART

Greetings all
I have been finding a release method to emerge my self back into my Post-Basquiat-ism...Taking a new leaf to deal with the stressors of life... I advise anyone who has an extra nerve that is being worked to really take up painting! I took it up again, and it has been my new heroin! (im addicted! well actually i have been quite lazy, but when im on a kick, i cant be stopped!) check out some of my current work that im working on... whatchu think!

"FreeBird" by karyn jenius 09
this signifies my freedom from my trials, the black represents the tar that has tainted and kept me in my own self prision brought upon by hurts in life... The gold represents a break in the prision as a sense of resiliancy, a new light, where as the contrasting green and pink represent my freedom from conformity by mixing two color completely opposite in the color chart as my vow to never be conformed to culture, society, or personal constraints... the bird signifies flight and freedom... I guess utimately life is full of trials but if you dont learn from them, you become the very ugly thing that has hurt you... so you have to let go, and move on! (but this is still incomplete, look for finshed product.)

"Heart Broken" by karyn jenius 09

self explanitory.. but its not meant to be a woe is me, its pushing mixed media with repeated images shaped in a heart. The red, orange, and yellow are warm/fire colors, representing my passion to love hard (and sometimes too hard!) and the middle immage is me, cause the we are the ones who hurt ourseleves the most.

"Male Ego" by karyn jenius 09 (incomplete)

this is my raw draft of this painting, i am painting it to represent the fragile state of man, and that men normally dont know how to deal with their emotions. I have learned that the male ego is the most fragile thing in the world, and when pride is bruised and broken, a man's heart can often be hardened.

look out for finished version, on exhibit soon!



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