Saturday, June 13, 2009

Style Profile: A Visionary always leaves their MARC.

I love white men... somethings they do annoy me... but this caucasion persuaion can elude me anytime! The fashion industry, surprisinly is a male dominated field, where most of the big whigs are men, and its easy to think that liberation for the creative would be on a tight rope. Most people think that fashionist are "stuck up", "socialites", materialistic", and "arrogant"... which like any group of people claim their sterotypes... I myself have been to New York several times, and have been admist the elite of the fashion world,and i have to admit they are the most genuine, hardworking, and pleasent people you will ever meet. Im not saying that there are no bourgouis... but what i am saying is that no one gets love when your all talk, and no walk... anyway back to my love for my cream colored fellas...

i adore any person who is avid about pursuing their purpose, and i equally adore a person who apperciates true beauty in it's rarest form. I will never forget when Rafeal, the head make up artist of NARS, told me "girl your so arabasque and exqusite, i love your lips!" i think i blushed all the way home! I think of how many artistic people take something from nothing and turn it into amazing... so to elude to my purpose of the blog, i think of Marc Jacobs, one of the industries prominent and shining designers. he's edgy, he's raw, he's real! most importantly he treats you with respect! and nothing is more valiant than a man who keeps and respects a woman.
I wish regular people could just take notes, not from a fashion perspective, but from a life perspective... understanding that to get ahead in life it is about building relationships, giving respect even if that person doesnt deserve it, working hard but playing nice, not manipulating or using... i have yet to see a selfish person maintain success!

I have learned alot from mr. jacobs, especially when dealing with difficult and pretentious people... i have learned to be upfront from the begining, and true to myself at all times. i love every piece of marc jacob product that i own and the fact of his candor and demeanor, makes me happy to own it even more... i know it will only be a matter of time before i make my mark in the industry but im slowing attaining that goal... a visionary is like a cup of columbian brewed coffee "Good to the last drop!"

I love marc jacobs because he reminds me of your baby blanket that you have had all your life (and still have), sweet asian pears, wood musk, see's candies, caramel machiattos, italian leather, Ralph Lauren in his 20's, New york Night life, and a stroll down the Champs-Elysess in Paris in torn denim and black baret!

we love you MJ!


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