Monday, March 30, 2009

A Stilleto Story: The Killer Heel...

so let me give the back drop...
imagine... an all black party, everyone wearing their flyest cocktail bubble skirts, and polished loafers. Champange and mini crumpets going round like christmas decorations, high glossed lips, and featherd fedoras... he leans up against the wall...debonaire. Side tilted hat, with a toothpick sticking out the left of his full bronze lips, honey colored skin, and intense black eyes, smooth polished goatee triangled under his bottom lip, and river flowing fade smoove to the touch. He stands up against the wall, loner, looking around scoping the scence. She winks, then she winks, then they wink mouthing "call me" as they pass him by. He smiles, he's not phazed, he's not bothered, he's not looking for anything tonight, but if the opportunity presents himself, he may just oblige. He doesnt follow rules, in fact he is wearing mud blue denim, leather bomber, and a white tee, baseball cap to the side, and informal by all means. They stare, they whisper, they tease, but behind their mocks they secretly fantasize his smooth polished hands groping their backs, and shoving his tounge down their throats... passionately, hungry, tasty. So he smirks, enjoying the boujouirs in their uppityness, knowing they wish they could be so fly...

she pulls up, steps out, the only thing black on her is her killer heel, dark golden choclate skin, wrapped in tight electric purple mini dress, barely there gold chain, and hot pink glossy-full lips. Her lashes bat, the boys stare, shes not phazed, shes not bothered, shes not looking for anything tonight, she's still healing from "the other night", but she's confident, she stands out, the only thing black on her is her Killer heel.

people wine, they dine, they act like money is a treat in all their exclusivness, in their black cocktail dresses, and button down slacks, black shades, and red lips. But they stand out. Her bright mini dress, hugging every curve and pinch in her waist, her big curly hair, ringlets dropping down her face, and those oh so hot pink glossy-full lips, dripping onto her chest. Him, in his leather bomber, and white tee, hat tilted to the side, and mud blue denim jeans, sagging exposing flannel boxers and a built frame. She stares... he stares...

she winks, he winks back. his gaze catches her gaze, and they talk with their eyes. He leans up against the wall, and grabs a champagne glass, then he thinks maybe take two. He grabs another, and holds it up obliging her presence and mouths "join me"...
she steps, he steps, they step... then meet in the middle.

no words,
she grabs glass,
he taps glass,
he steps up to her, his breath gliding beside her neck, she breathes, then he breathes leaning closer to her ear...
whispering he speaks
"cheers cinderella, i have been looking for you all night"
she tilts her head and looks up, licks her lips then smirks, before she speaks, it begins to tick...


thirty seconds, she gots to go, she winces, he ask "why so sudden?"
she smiles, kisses his cheek, then turns around. he looks, confused, and dazed, reaching for her hand as the crowd shuffles in, as she she continues, she turns around catching him standing there looking as she walks away, the crowd was shuffling in.
He wasnt supposed to be phazed, he wasnt even supposed to be bothered, he wasnt even looking for the oppurtunity, only if it presented itself. Now it was gone...

he looks down, thinking to himself "that was the prettiest round brown i have ever seen... didnt even get her name... Damn."

while looking down, he catches it, mingled with cocktail napkins and chard champagne glasses, the only thing black on her... the "killer heel"

"damn cinderella"

it was midnight...

to be continued


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

loading your ammunition...

I'm not perfect, really who is? The more you strive for perfection, the more flawed you become. I mean I'm young, I have made a lot of mistakes and said the wrong things, but... I know utimately I'm good.

I know one thing for sure, especially in my life learning quest is that ill people don't want to see you happy, in fact they will do anything to corode your mind or the mind of others. They will use your weakness as ammunition.

I have had a lot weaknesses, and not to keen on uncertainty, and some foul ppl will use that against thee.
they will try to tell people you have foul habits, or my favorite "crazy" behavior to flaw your character.

I mean don't get me wrong it is good to strive for change within yourself, but it just sucks that people will try to hold you to past lives and former encounters. It just seems when your doing good or striving for change, folks start complaining and jeering to knock you off your high horse.

And lastly the people who b,leeve in the junk arejust as stupid to believe what anyone else says!

So I'm saying don't fuel your enemies.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Haiku: love me

A very long haiku....(okay a poem):)
my life is like a smile... starting from one end to another, among my lips are cracks symbolizing painful parts, yet the smooth skin embodies the resilence from these lips are full, but my smile is light. from one end to the other my heart is complete...


FASHION FOREVER: Fashion Week 2009 ...from my perspective

I remember it like it was yesterday...
It was august 17, 2006 when I gave birth to my line called "Kaima Urban Couture". I came up with my alias Karyn Jenius, after looking at several Akademik Ads in all the VIBE magazines I got from my internship. "jeanius elvated productions..." and i thought my middle name starts with a J, so I could be "Karyn JENIUS..." hmmm it fits.

Now the name Kaima, is a totally different story infact, there is no hidden meaning, or sob story, or biblical principle... except for the fact that Im a John Coltrane fan, and he had a song called "Naima", which i dropped the "N" and added a "K" so creating... "Kaima".

But the point is, my whole life I have been into fashion, actually my whole life I have been into creating and pushing the goal... I think I have done a little bit everything from interning with Vibe Magazine, traveling all over the world, meeting "famous" people, and just chilling with homeless people on the street. I mean i dont know, I dont look at it as pushing to be famous or rich, I just think of it as doing what i need to do to stay sane... *** sidebar*** im so unorthodox that i dont even capitilize my "i's" haha

anyway... i actually get annoyed when people ask me, so tell me about "kaima" how did you come up with it, when did you start? blah blah blah... and i think anyone who knows me, knows that I always have this weird face that comes up when people ask me that question like that "look at them crazy, why you in my face look", simply because I really dont think its that big of a deal... I mean dont mistake it... i think its great to be pursing a goal, especially one i have been doing since 21, but i dont look it like that. I believe that somewhere in Heaven, GOD wanted to be fashionable, and since GOD doesnt walk on runways, he figured: i will create a human that will embody everything fashion and I will call her KARYN JENIUS!

yeah sumthin like that... ( i know God is not a human, but "he" knew what flyness was when "he" created it!) i mean i think it boils down to being genetically eingneered as one person put it... Im genetically engineered to do what I do. Its like if your 5'11 and skinny and become a model, you were gentically eingeneered to do modeling, but if your 5'6 and have to stick your finger down your throat to stay skinny, maybe your in the wrong field... im just saying, I believe we all have something we are good at, and whatever it is, we have been doing it since we were scrubs. So its not like we wake up one day and say "Oh I want to be a Fashion Designer today..."
I just dont think it works out like that.

Anyway, rearing back to my many epiphanys, I not only realized that i was ordained to be a fashionista, but it was confirmed when i stepped foot in fashion week for the first time of my life. I saw some of the greatest of greats grace those tents and runways. The same models i envisioned in magazines and ads, I was sitting a place that takes people 30 years just to attend, im sitting in on the third row...and i have only been ACTIVELY pursuing my passion for a little over 3 years... but even though it took a long time, I still got here.

I say be true to yourself... you never know what it can bring you!



Check out PHOTOS!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Is it a crime... to like GOOD music?

Im used to hearing the sultry cooing of Sade, on a midnight night hour looking at the ceiling during the "Quiet Storm", as she begins... "my love is wider, wider than victoria lake...".
How would I be taken back to hear the crooning of a raspy yet soulful version, from neo liberado Kevin Sandbloom.
I myself, am not a crooner, but I can apperciate a rough yet smooth, edgy yet clean voice over an acoustic any day!
I dig this cats style and anyone who can do Sade's Is it a crime, in a B.B. King, meets lauryn hill, who had a couple of glasses with John Mayer voice, wins my heart anyday!
Now everyones taste is not my taste, but I have to admit a true fashionista stays up on her tunes, cause you never know who your gonna meet. And you def want to say "hey aren't you so and so...."
Check him out...
Kevin Sandbloom
Album: Sandbloom "From a bird"
happy listening...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do now think later... Eventually one day we will get intune with our first gut. You know that little voice that tells us not do something, not to go there, not to do that... But just like a weight loss infomercial we strive for instant gratification.

Don't you hate the feeling of making the mistake you should of tried to avoid? You had all the warning but you ignored it anyway, now your stuck at the bottom of a new mountain.
I hate feeling loose at the seems, realizing you effed up, but worse you knew it was going to happen and did it anway.
Then you got to go through the healing/confusion stage and figure out how your going to ride it out, cause your either heartbroken, upset, or lost.

Either feeling. Nothing sucks more to know you ended up hurt only to find you allowed yourself to get there. Once your seems unravel, they never go back to their rightful place.



Breaking the Trend:stereotypes, hype, and cigerettes.

We all have seen it, not so skinny guys (and dolls) rocking a pair of uber skinny jeans, wannabe stylistic rope chains, and not to mention those o so horrible big rimmed glasses (strait outta the seventies!)
I often wonder why we give in to trends? What causes the usual sober mind to get pissy drunk behind a tshirt that says "your boyfriend was in me last night." Have we succumb to the big brother of the fashion world too? Don't people realize graphic tees and striped shade sun glasses (c kanye west) are all the designs of a soceity starting to look like one another?
Hey don't get me worng I have always been a girl up and willing to rock some electro blu tights, but at the same time its more of my personality than a fashion statement.
Let's just say for the record there is no judgement here! Shoot, if we could walk around in clothes looking like we stepped out of an M.I.A. Video talking about "jimmy aja" live would b great, but the truth remains we are victims of our own closet vomit! :@

My point is( and I believe eventually I will get there)is trends are like stereotypes. They are like the elephants in the room that no one wants to talk about, but the ammunition needed to point and shoot. Kind of like when someone says all black people are loud,which all aren't but when you walk into a fried chicken and waffle joint at 1 am you might have that perception. That's kind of how I feel with people who all of sudden cut off their hair and grow locs and afros(this pertaining to my people who of another color, and I am black so I can say this!)Because they want to appear "arty" and "neosoul" yet if you ask them anything about Georgia Ann Mudrow or the Lion of judah, they would have no idea what you are talking about. But they are trendy, they are hot, its what's now... Its the hype.
Yeah stereotypes are all hype like "women are ALL emotional", well not all are. I just hope that all people who wear snow boots are not all stupid, but hey I would like to be wrong, but I know not bloody likely... Trends.
What would we do with out them?

Any who the lesson here kiddies stick with what last forever, that classic piece, the longjevity. 15 mins of fame are just that, 15 min. Stereotypes are just indirect judgements and even if they are true we can't hoan people to them. I say stop and the drop hype and be your trueself, cause skinny jeans ainr for everybody...
I'm saying tho.

Ciao :*
