Sunday, July 25, 2010

Spring Cleaning... some things just go out of season.

Family, Friends, and Lovers… a toxic cocktail of mixed emotions. Why do we often find ourselves battling how we deal with such people in our lives? Is blood really thicker than water? I have found that lately friendships come with stipulations, meaning everything is kosher until someone gets upset or feelings are hurt and the relationship is irreplaceable. Take the matter of family, they seem to take as much as they can from you, and put up unachievable expectations (that you may never meet) then criticize you if you don’t fulfill them. Not to mention lovers, who string you along till your well runs dry. What is it about these relationships that make it so complicated? I have decided that maybe there really isn’t a dividing line on where you place the three sets of people, and that instead of viewing each person as your friend, your dad, or your ex boyfriend, maybe they need to all be in the same category… people.
That way when you start cleaning out your closet, you don’t find yourself holding on to any “loose garments” that otherwise had you tied. I use to believe or even think that family was different from friends, and lovers were different from friends, but then I started to see that: your friends become your family, you have to be friends with your lovers just to make it last, and your family probably treats you the worst. I then came to the conclusion that it is best to just place them in their season, and when that season comes and pass, a new one will take its place. Leaving the “classic” pieces that usually last forever.
- K

Monday, July 19, 2010

Calling all fashion... I mean Artist!

It seems that often industries seem to overlap. Crossing territories that have yet to be discoverd, yet despite the unconventional mergers, things still seem to work out.

Seemingly,in the world of fashion and the world of art, it becomes a match made in heaven. So, is it any surprise the fashion would begin to embrace more abstract and artistic concepts? Of course your probably like "duh jenius, fashion is art.."But I on the contrary think it is a bleeding thin line between art and fashion emulating art.
I'm looking at the bigger "picture" of fashion painting hommage to art, whether it's Basquiat prints on dress, keith harring printed tunics and bathing suits, to flamboyant displays at both artistic venues (I.e. And art gallery) and the over the top fashion afficinados, hoping to be seen.

Either way, it's a beautiful thing, sure to capture an artist attention!
(keith harring print dress for Patricia Fields)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Gold Diggers, Nice Guys, and Black Women... OH MY

So, let’s discuss a topic, one that is sensitive to some, and taunting to others…lets discuss the following issues that have been under scrutiny.
Gold Diggers: let’s start with my favorite, the girl who uses her looks to get what she wants. She really doesn’t have much going for her at all (except for fake tits and a tan.) These are your vixens that weave it up, glue it up, and serve it up to the mini- banks known as rich men. The cliché here is that rich men actually seek these type of women (but then complain when they take half) It’s really an interesting mix, to date a super “hot” woman with not much substance and be with the overbearing alpha male who uses his financial power as power itself. These ladies have been under scrutiny because some of these rich men have taken it public (cough cough slim thug :@ ) who feel that women only date them for their money and want them to take care of them…
My Take: once again society has murdered off another societal role (or rather gender role) to question. My question is what the “EFF” is it… do you want to the woman to work, or not?? I’m kind proud of these women because they are staying in their place as far as what “society” deems the women to be: THE BETA HUMAN. Some call this the “Receiver”, where the male has always been considered the “Provider”. The problem is that both parties are in extremes. I definitely am not an advocate for manipulation and I don’t think we should succumb ourselves to being used, but let’s face it, these groups of people attract each other because of their “insecurities”. Which really this is a case of insecurity, because rich men feel the need to have the “trophy wife” on their arm to validate their status. These women seek out these rich men, because in order to keep up with their “appearance” they have to have money…. So it works for them. My only request is rich men stop complaining that women want you to just take care of them, and pay their bills (because you make yourself susceptible by doing such stupid actions, grown ups should be able to take care of themselves.) and Gold Diggers, stop digging for gold, before you end up alone at 45 with 4 kids (from different rich fathers) and realize that eventually your well will run dry. ( I mean you can tkeep getting divorces to keep up with your Benz ! ) until then… it’s a match made in heaven!

Nice Guys: these are those sweet guys, who will do just about anything… ANYTHING! That’s the issue with nice guys (really nice people in general) you become a target for mistreatment. I would know because I suffered from the nice girl syndrome for a while, until I realized I needed to shift my paradigm. Now let me be the first to say, mean people are horrible, and there is nothing endearing about them. (yet they attract everyone…)
My Take: the saying “Nice Guys Finish Last” is a resounding statement, and in many instances nice people do tend to finish last. But the ultimate joy is that they finish and they get what they want .(even if it takes a while) The truth is that there has to be a balance, which is the one thing that nice people can tend to lack. Because no one wants a “pushover”, anyone that can be easily manipulated, will be. The world is already messed up, so the goal is to not eradicate the “nice guys” because we need them. We just need you nice guys to be a little tougher and not be afraid to say “NO”, because I openly desire Nice Guys! Big time , such endearing quality!
Last but certainly not least … Black Women…
Oh my sisters who have been under such scrutiny for quite some time. It’s definitively an issue how as of late black women have been shoved under the bus more frequently. If it isn’t an issue about black men dating white women, black women having attitudes, and all black women are single… I will just add that BLACK PEOPLE as a whole are seriously wounded. We have allowed the media and society (and don’t forget slavery) to hate ourselves even more. I myself am a black woman, and have had quite a few bad experiences with black men, that I could sit here and bash, but at the end of the day, I have met awesome black men and women (as well as from other races), and I can honestly say black people are not that bad. But no matter what color you are, Black women really are strong creatures. I am not a single mother, nor having to work three jobs to put a roof over my head, and I don’t exactly live in the ghetto (however I do live in the hood, and that was by choice)BUT I know a lot of black women who do or are in those situations, and have had to put up with very “unfortunate” males (which there are more of them than there are fortunate ones). That’s neither here nor there, the one thing that I will speak against is the fact that the media or society is trying to paint BLACK PEOPLE as unable to attain healthy relationships. It’s unfortunate that when we meet people, we don’t get to read their life story which explains why many of us are they way we are.
My Take: For those black men or other races who feel that black women are nothing but fat, lazy women, with attitudes, I would say to you: 1. Turn off your damn t.v. and actually meet some cool black females. 2. I HAVE MET MANY WOMEN FROM OTHER RACES WITH HORRIBLE ATTITUDEs, either they are looking down at you or nagging you. 3. Although there are some overweight women in the black community, there are a lot of healthy sized ones as well, and to be honest there are fat people all over America (and I don’t use that loosely to offend anyone, I’m just saying obesity is a problem in the united states.) and to my beautiful black women, don’t fall into the hype, and understand we are facing adversities, and those successful black men are very few; however don’t focus on the fact that your single, or that black men don’t want you (cause I know a lot of brothers who love brown skin) just focus on being the best PERSON you can be. DON’T SETTLE, and when you do get a good black man… PLEASE DON’T FUCK IT UP, cause they come a penny a dozen lol!!! Don’t hate yourselves, because you’re already hated enough because of the color of skin, so love it even more…

And that’s all I have to say about that…

Style Profile: Puerto Rico... Mi Hogar Futura

Every once in a while a girl needs a little get away, a get away to rejuvenate and refresh. I have to say it was a break I surely needed! From the moment I landed I fell in love. The people were wonderful, the scenery was romantic, and the beaches were like orgasmic ! I stayed in Condado, San Juan, an up and coming part of the island, though there were things that reminded me of home, I definitely felt like I was in another country! I wouldn’t even know where to begin on my trip, but all I can say it, is definitely somewhere that everyone should visit (after all it is a US Territory, No password needed.) if you decide to go to this amazing country check out the beaches (I loved Condado, but Culebra island and palomino island are goooooorgeous!) if we could marry islands because they gives us the comfort that we needed, count me one lucky bride! VAYA con PUERTO RICO, la isla is MUY HERMOSA!


SOOOO I am happy to say, I have finally recovered! After extensive "Rehab" and a quick trip to Puerto Rico, I have finally got enough juices back, to get my mojo "jo-ing".
It seems like everyone is going through it, a stint in creativity and even uncertainty. It's as if the current ecomnomic struggle has people more than slumped. The truth is we have no control of external factors, but we have to continue striving to live out our dreams. I strongly believe in living your passion. You dont exactly have to drop everything and focus on being famous, but just the simple fact that you can do what you were engrained to do. I love fashion, I love music, I love photography, I love the arts! I just cant possibly function with out going to art exhibits, fashion shows, photoshoots, new york, just anything that is fashion.
I have been so fourtunate to meet many musicians, celebrities, and normal people! I definately believe in GOD, because the creativity that I have is
BUT, we all have gone through periods of "creative depression" where we have questioned our stealth, purpose, or even destiny. Hey Take it as it comes, but dont stop living, not even for one second!
good things are coming!! :)
until next time