Sunday, July 25, 2010

Spring Cleaning... some things just go out of season.

Family, Friends, and Lovers… a toxic cocktail of mixed emotions. Why do we often find ourselves battling how we deal with such people in our lives? Is blood really thicker than water? I have found that lately friendships come with stipulations, meaning everything is kosher until someone gets upset or feelings are hurt and the relationship is irreplaceable. Take the matter of family, they seem to take as much as they can from you, and put up unachievable expectations (that you may never meet) then criticize you if you don’t fulfill them. Not to mention lovers, who string you along till your well runs dry. What is it about these relationships that make it so complicated? I have decided that maybe there really isn’t a dividing line on where you place the three sets of people, and that instead of viewing each person as your friend, your dad, or your ex boyfriend, maybe they need to all be in the same category… people.
That way when you start cleaning out your closet, you don’t find yourself holding on to any “loose garments” that otherwise had you tied. I use to believe or even think that family was different from friends, and lovers were different from friends, but then I started to see that: your friends become your family, you have to be friends with your lovers just to make it last, and your family probably treats you the worst. I then came to the conclusion that it is best to just place them in their season, and when that season comes and pass, a new one will take its place. Leaving the “classic” pieces that usually last forever.
- K

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