Friday, May 22, 2009


I cant help but notice how the MALE market has been making money of the insercurity of women… you know making books “he just not that into you”, “act like a lady think like a man…” movies and ish… and im thinking like wait a minute wtf is going on!!!! Why has it gotten to the point that women need to have books just to be in relationships? That’s the corniest bull I have ever seen! This is absolutely ridiculous… I mean we all know that this is a mans world, and its not secret that men like to blame all the issues on women… and here again we see how men like to make WOMEN seem like were the ones who need help… (disclaimer: in no way is this a MALE BASHING blog) but im going to have to get in and bust the male ego for a second, and I am more willing to take all male hate mail from my penis-carrying counterparts and their boycotts…. But I got to look out for my sisters because the way things are going women are going to continue to be hurt and manipulated by selfish stupid men… so I cant let that happen. My homegirl Kelly and I have gone through much insight, and we have seen where we have went wrong as women and where we have learned how dangerous men can be! First off ladies, don’t take male advice from a comedian, a drunk, a former playboy, or a gay guy… don’t you see they are capitalizing your mind to make you seem inferior to men!!! BULL CORN… so let me enlighten …


1. MEN ARE WAY MORE COMPLICATED THEN WOMEN, read it, sink it in and swallow it… yes ladies this is true! Unlike males, we say what we mean, when we say we don’t like you, we really don’t, when we say we like you DOESN’T MEAN WE WANT TO BE WITH YOU, when we say were just friends…WE LIKE TO KEEP IT THAT WAY… most women (and I DID SAY MOST NOT ALL) don’t come with strings attached. Men say one thing and mean another… they also like to think that were supposed to read their actions as a form of caring for us… like on some actions speak louder than word type bull… so if your acting like an asshole, guess what that’s what you are!
2. MEN ARE NOT GOOD ABOUT BEING SNEAKY, why they hell do you think when they cheat they get caught, yeah women cheat too, but we know how to clean up, yall will date different girls and do the same thing with all of them! Like yall just don’t get it… yall leave paper trails everywhere!
3. MEN like to play the BLAME GAME… ladies EVERYTHING IS OUR FAULT, from their bad day, to the ending of a relationship, to their toothache, it will always be our fault… Men like to make you think it is all your fault for things going wrong (when 99.9% of the time, its their fault) so when you are faced with their situation, don’t even respond….walk away or just tell them they are right and laugh in their face, then walk away!
4. Men have TOO MUCH PRIDE! So don’t expect him to apologize first, and if he does he is just trying to bang… they also wont call you when their wrong cause pride wont let them do it.
5. MEN DON’T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THEIR EMOTIONS… so when your try to get serious with them, they just shut down, so your better off waiting for them to come out of their shell before you can even be comfortable.
6. NOT ALL MEN WANT A STRONG WOMAN, in fact if you ever wonder why all the bimbos and dingbats get all the guys, well they don’t pose as a challenge, and men sometimes don’t want anyone who is going to be on their level, which that is usually the first sign of an INSECURE MAN
7. MEN ARE MORE INSECURE THAN US!!! Hell yeah, they just show it in different ways, if you ever find yourself in a situation where he has his homeboys flirting with you to see how you would respond you more than likely dealing with an insecure person….run far far far far away.
8. MEN WITH ADDITCTIONS ARE DANGEROUS! Stay away from drug addicts, alcoholics, sex addicts,and emotionally damanged people, they will always try to make you seem crazy, but in actuality these kind of men are dangerous, and will make you go crazy, and if you want to keep your sanity, these loons will steal that away… don’t let their issues swallow you up! They never know what they are talking about and half the time they are probably drunk or too stupid high to even realize what they are saying so therefore THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!
9. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE A MAN… ladies don’t try to change a man… if they aint trying to change themselves your just going to end up hurt
10. Love yourself and your WORTH to not fall for the BULLSHIT! Men think if they tell you what you want to hear they get what they want, and most of the time they do, then they ditch you like a bad habit, they also don’t think… you know you got a real man when he cares about you enough to not have to lie to you, or tell you bs… DON’T LET THEM LEAVE YOU IN THE GRAY!!!!

The golden rule (which isn’t treat people the way you want to be treated, cause men certainly DO NOT FOLLOW THAT RULE, they barely can handle what they dish out…) the rule is…MEN AND WOMEN LOVE DIFFERENTLY…. Men don’t love like we do, they don’t see things the way we do (they actually don’t come to their senses till their 40, then they see what your talking about all along.) when a man acts stupid, let him be stupid on his own, he just want you to point it out first so he can say that you’re the one tripping…don’t give them that satisfaction…

Don’t waste your money on those bs books… just be ten steps ahead of the game…



  1. hmmm sounds like you got men all figured out to a T. But I'm willin to bet that you don't even have a man, much less you're givin this crazy advice to other women who might have a shot at findin a decent man, but your underlying theme is that most men are crazy when you only understand how 'boys' are. If all the guys you're messin with tell you that you're crazy, then guess what, maybe you're the one with the problem lol. But at least guys figure all this out when they're 40 lol. Keep givin them the goods Tyra.

  2. wow. i have been meaning to find the time to read this.
    Karen I am with you 100%. Men are freaking crazy.

    Living in Los Angeles i find it extremely hard to date and to find someone who is sincere and who wants a strong minded women
    lets start with your numbers and i want to respond to how i feel. hope you dont mind! <3

    1. i had this issue with a guy i was "dating" for years. we would talk all the time, hook up, hang out, everything. when i tell him hey lets take this to another level he tells me "no one in LA has a gf, why do you want a bf" are you kidding me?

    2. sneaky wasnt in a man's plan when he was being made. they are horrible at hiding things. and im a firm believer that things you do in dark will come out to the light. Women sense things we can smell things.
    -Dating a guy, were not even friends on myspace, one day he decides to add me, and some other chick is his number 1. and she's tell him she cant wait to see him again. last night was cool. this is the 23rd and me and him hung out on the 20. thats just sloppy! thats how HPV is getting spread around..

    3. so true. i do this people who try to blame me for anything. dont blame me blame GOD.

    4. omg! once again, was hooking up with this guy, i did not want to have sex that night and he gave me soooo much shit. stormed out of my house and didnt call me for a week. i text him to call him a bitch and he tried to act like nothing happened.. pride kept him from dealing with the fact that he wasnt gonna get any that night. which made him into an asshole.

    5. i dont believe in rushing things, but i also dont believe that you should wait for someone if your ready. if your ready to take things to a different level or you feel its the right time to tell someone something then do it. waiting only waste time, and then when you do get around to do it HOPEFULLY..
    A. you realize they werent worth it. and move on...
    B. it all works out and he likes you the same way.

    6. most men cant handle a strong women. thats why they dont want one.
    some men can appreciate having a women who stands on her own, and can think on her own.
    but most men wont approch me cause they said they dont know how to approch a women like me. but the lil hood rat at the club is getting all the attention cause she's easy looks easy and men cant be challenged when it comes to where theyre dick is going to be that night.

    7. men are waaaay more insecure and i dont see how women can be with a man like that.
    if a women is the jealous type men tend to talk shit and get out of there call her crazy. but about the type of man that has to be with his girl 24-7. she gets shit for going out to with her gf's cause other men are going to be there. are you kidding me? men to realize just because your with a beautiful women doesnt mean shes going to cheat on you.

    8. pretty much hurt people end up hurting people. it can be with words or their fist. i think men with kids is a bigger issue.

    9. true that!

    10. always have to know your worth. and a real man knows a real women always comes first, and a real man just cant deny a WOMENS WORTH!
    alicia couldnt said it any better.

    a book shouldnt have to tell you how to feel. if something doesnt feel right ask a question. talk to him about it.
    i think in this new world we all live in people are finding way to never speak to each other. texting and emails and bullshit.
    you can be texting him while he's laid up with another beezey.
    if he give you shit then kick his ass to the curb. so many men out there. so many better men, you have to be in search of.
    he needs your good stuff. dont waste it on tired ass men

    karen i loved this entry. and pass this love around!

