Monday, May 11, 2009


They say actions speak louder than words, and this a principle that we have to follow on daily live… as if to say that despite what you are saying, what you are doing should more of an effect.
I don’t know if I agree with this, because a lot of times peoples actions don’t even line up with their words, and then the words they use to back it up are just as messed up with their actions. My favorite is when someone’s actions seem confusing, and they don’t say anything... what the eff is that? Why don’t you line up with your saying and doing at the same time, and we can alleviate the confusion right here and right now…

Maybe I’m just ranting… possibly slightly bitter, but I have found that I am becoming intolerable to bull shit on a daily basis, in fact its so bad, I think I develop constipation from the “sickness” of bull shit, so PLEASE don’t pass it over this way…

Another thought… I was driving this morning and thinking about past people in my life for a brief moment, and I started contemplating on how people that have come across your life can partly shape your character. Experiences we have had in the past can either make us better and bitter, and what’s worse ( or better depending on how your looking at it.) these “individuals” may no longer be in your life, and you may not even remember them later on, BUT their mark remains. If you get done bad by person, and it changes your views on love, eventually you wont have hope to love anymore especially if you encounter the same “heartache” with other people… therefore everyone leaves a mark…If you meet someone that teaches you how to believe in yourself, you may not experience that benefit again, but that person leaves a mark, and your believe in yourself forever… just the fact that what I may do to someone can either make them a better or worse person is a responsibility I need accept with my dealings with people. I would hate to treat someone bad, because they didn’t deserve it and then later on in life they end up bitter or hardened because of me being one of the many experiences that they had to face in life… idk… I guess my actions will always be deeper than words, cause like words, you cant take your actions back…. Food for thought


1 comment:

  1. Karyn honey- First and foremost happy bday my sis- I wasnt online yesterday to wish you good luck with your party, but I havent forgotten and hope - I KNOW! it was marvellous :)

    Girl, We´ve never met in the physical (yet b!
    but from reading thru your blogs and the little glimpse I get of your train of thought, I cannot wait to get up with you sis and BUILD forreal. We are sooo on the same page.

    You´re writing some deep ish...
    Mankind can be both vicious and inconsiderate- and sometimes the mental scars the encounter with others give can last a lifetime, but I´m positive the ones who rock that way have been condition by the surroundings theyre in and the individuals who is or has been in their lives one way or another but for them to proceed with the wicked behaviour is like a damn chain reaction and everybody just act like idiots...It´s a good thing to make a decision to break out of the cycle of negativity and filter out the bullshit...I mean- at sum point we´ve been hurt one too many times where it´s enuff and you phuckin had it- I sure did, because I got tired of all the negaivity that usually evolved around the people I had in my cypher or the kind of people I just generally attracted. Looking back now, I realize the reason those people always seemed to pop up in my universe was because that was the energy I gave out and I allowed them to hurt me- no physically but emotionally and I would analyze da shit outta peoples behaviour because it was so hard for me to understand why anyone would purposely act like a dickhead or play me out (not jus dudes but people, feel me..Friends, fam u nme Then I decided that I will do my best to control who will have an impact on me and who wont on sum thought power type shit- meaning...I am not going to spend my time worrying or going down to their level, and girl, I have never been happier in my life! word!Lol. I´ve learned we become acqauinted with others for a purpose- Ofcourse it is to prefer that purpose is positive, but if it is negative I have made myself learn from them, and carry on in an even better way, because they´ve shown what kind of person I wouldnt want to be, and what kind of energy I don´t want or need in life- and that is their purpose- to remind us of and inspire us to be considerate, respectful, positive uplifting beings with good intends and act on our beliefs and be non-receptive to the bullsh!t :)....

    Thank you for droppin jewels mama and sorry I left a damn novell on ya blog :)...xoxo
