Sunday, July 5, 2009

"Are You Not Entertained?"ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY... You think you know but you have no idea...

Remember when you were little and you started ranting and raving how Suzy told you at school that their were alien life forms on the planet mars, and as you were talking you mother politely smacks you in the forehead saying “don’t believe everything you hear.” its hogwash, trifle tales, lies… is it?

At one point in time in my life my imagination ran deep, and I was fed that life was the grow up, get married have thewhite picket fence , two point five children, and the little dog that wagged his tail with the red collar… I soon found out, everything that appeared one way on the outside was definitely not always what it was on the inside… I became infatuated with the truth. Sometimes (if not all the time) the truth hurts… more especially when your eyes have been opened… ignorance is no longer bliss…

I stopped having “deep” conversations with people; because I started to realize the master plan is working… have you noticed lately people have gotten so comfortable with uncertainty and confusion? Don’t you love it how every one loves to tag “you know what I’m saying?” and “you know what I mean” at the end of the sentence, when in actuality your looking at them like DO YOU know what your saying, or WHAT you mean? That damn gray… people think that lingering on the fence is comfortable but what they don’t realize they are being shifted from one place to another and don’t even realize it. They are swimming in confusion, and that’s exactly what “they” want you to do, because it makes it easier for you to be brainwashed. The sad thing about this whole situation (and if you haven’t figured out what I’m talking about up until now… I have to educate you so you don’t get lost in the shuffle) anyway back to the sad thing, is that I can exploit the government, the freemasons, billdaberg group, US military, etc, and you know what the FBI wont even delete my page, because they know most people will just look away, and mutter “freak” under their breaths. Cool… but sadly for those people, they are they reason why Jim Jones was able to execute mass suicides, why religions are spawning wars, why kids are forced to take stupid standardized test (which actually makes them more illiterate than intelligent… thanks for that one bush :@) and what you hear on the radio is so crappy and disgusting, it doesn’t even matter, cause were all too stupid and brainwashed and believe the hype.

Yo, I’m not the wild haired, conspiracy theorist, with goggles on her forehead, locked up in an auto garage, digging out alien conspiracies and Egyptian hieroglyphics for world destruction, but I aint that naïve either… I wish I could type on here all my thoughts and theories about how the government is a seething evil… but I will leave that up to these wonderfully enlightening videos that I have posted up here for your viewing pleasure…
(And hopefully you WILL watch, but after the first one, I know you will get hooked)

But before I go… I know a lot of people will be in denial despite the warnings, but whatever you believe, if you still don’t think that there is war going on, (and I don’t mean on Iraq), if you still are looking for proof of metaphysical and spiritual existence of a being known as God or,If your still asking what would Jesus do, if your still thinking that one day it will all make sense, and its going to be better soon… sorry kiddo I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the truth is…

1.Proof isn’t in the pudding, in your history books, or what you see on TV, or scientific research, case and point they told you in second grade that juneteenth was to free the slaves, Saddam was Harboring “weapons of mass destruction”, jimmy Hoffa is still alive in a vault somewhere, and those little cameras at the lights are to stop collisions for running red lights (rolls eyes) its called one word… PROPOGANDA. Hitler used it and it works. Just like diet pills, you know damn well those people in the before and after would not be wearing the same bathing suit they wore when they started! (If I lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks, best believe I would be straight naked on that commercial!)
2. If your still doubting the bible… fine, seems like everything that was prophesized is being fulfilled, and it seems like all the other religions seem to talk about some or the same end of world destructions…. the Mayans, Buddhist, Krishna, the Muslims, shall I continue… I mean it derived from somewhere and they are all saying the same darn thing, and if you just so happen to be an atheist, I got one for you too… yall always talking about “global warming”, sun explosions, and my favorite new eco-friendly plastic water bottles now with 20% less plastic to keep the ozone from depleting so the icebergs in Alaska don’t drown us all…hmmm sounds like revelations to me.
3.Your just really naïve if you really think the federal government practices “sovereignty reigns” and “we are all created equal.” If that’s the case, there should be no such thing as tax brackets; I better get an equal cut like my equal counterparts LMAO.

Look… its spiritual warfare going on…plain and simple, if at this point you still doubt that there is some kind of ruling by demonic forces, ill tell you this, pay attention to EVERY movie made about some form of apocalyptic cause: transformers (auto bots vs. decepticons), the matrix (all three), independence day, apocalypse now, 300, every scary movie known to man. Even comedies like idiocracy… they all have some truth to them if not all… and lastly you know anything made by man represents DEATH, anything represented by GOD represents LIFE … straight up. You better look around you … BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING. LOL!


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


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