Sunday, May 16, 2010

26 in the city..

This year I am turning 26, and normally I wouldnt do this, but just for the sake of not causing contraversy, or starting a topic that most cringe at the thought of... but i decided to take a stand. I know that there is a lot is going on in the world, and it's hard to overlook such adversties, but the one thing that I know which is my calm in the midst of chaos, is... GOD. taboo, i know. I'm not here to convert or discuss religion with anyone, i'm not an advocate for religion, etc. but what I do know GOD is real, dont ask me to prove him to you, because your exsistence is more than enough.

I've decided to take this stand and proclaim that there is something greater that me, and that very thing thrives to continue my exsistence. To speak in lamens terms, the mercy that is shown to me on a daily basis is what I know keeps me blessed. I have fourtunately been to different places in the world, I have met people from different backgrounds, I have experienced many disappointments, accomplished many triumphs beyond my dreams, I have seen many things, and doubted others. But the one thing that is apparent, is everything I see around me had already been written, and what baffles me is exactly what is written is manifested. We can all believe what we want to believe, we can operate our lives in the way we think were "supposed to". The truth is you have to seek a certain kind of knowledge on your own and discover it on your own. ( and I dont mean "false" enlightenment either which is represented by deception, but i'll explain that to you when your older.)
Trust me it can be chanllenging, especially when your seeking a step of faith and all the churchy religous people you meet or know do foul things that make one question their validty or rather the "creators" validity, when in truth, they only represent their human nature. And we can't always live a life of "no worries or problems" because that is not realistic either. but again i digress. I may not live to see my next birthday, but I know that this year, I have taken a stand, and i have chosen a step of faith... it may be difficult alot of the times, and it may cause me to stand alone many times, but in a time of confusion, I need the peace that YAWEH has to offer.

i dont know just think about it.


Were hurting out there, as a teacher this year who has been teaching arts, i have to say with congress trying to cut back from the economic hurts, the one hurt is the fact that the first thing they want to cut is the ARTS. The are wanting to eliminate these programs which little do they know that fuel the world. I know as a teacher who teaches large quantities of students at one time, it is extreamly fustrating, stressful, and not really a good thing. THe education world is hurting, I'm not a parent, but kids are becoming less and less effective. we have to keep in mind that this is our future, and we are solely thinking on now...

if we cut all these programs that channel childrens creativity, who is going to be are next architects, who is going to design the next "i phone", tv commercial, home to build, cars to drive, music to listen too??? its more that just painting pictures... someone has to learn how to draw, compose, edit, and polish. THOSE ALL STEM FROM THE ARTS. Though some exert more creativity than others ( i.e. fashion, music, etc.) the point is even in your advertising to building structures someone has to learn it. I have a strong argument, and i would love to type it out, and keep the momentum going but the truth is, 1. i'm tired, 2. we have to take a stand or our future is going to be our own demise (trust me I'm working with the future, and i'm trying to cultivate a culture it ) but it's hard. WE HAVE TO SAVE THE ARTS. WE HAVE TO!

Times are Changing...We are all ROBOTS

It is absolutely no secret that times are changing, and the change has become more apparent. Many people have blogged on various topics in regards to the mass of society synthesizing itself to repetitive behaviors. I wont highlight some of the things that everyone has already talked about; however I will state my discontent of how we have become so impersonal. We thrive off of "now" factors, and in the state of this has left people more selfish, less sympathetic, and less concious. People aren't as accountable as they once were, for the simple fact they can escape responsiblityby hiding behind a computer screen or the sending of a text or facbook status. I admit, it's sort of necessary evil, because you wouldn't even have read this blog, had I not used social networks to get your attention, but as much as I have had to use this, doesn't primarily mean I always enjoy it. The fact that if I want to spread a message or update people with the latest trends I have to do it via facebook or twitter.

I have found more recently conversations with people have become more argumentative, we have become more withdrawn, because we dont communicate anymore in the physical realm and it causes us to be unable to relate. It's an unrelenting battle, that I cant allow myself to be consumed on. I just know that I AM NOT A ROBOT, and regardless of how much "desensitization" that is thrown in my face with music, entertainment, politics, etc... I still feel, and life is real, and we have to live it. I just say "log off" every once a while and connect back to reality. REAL reality... just remember:

"Some Who Have It AllThe One Big Shiny LifeThey Sellin Us A Story They Know That We Gonna BuyBut Don't U Let Them Fool Ya Baby They Can't Sleep At NiteThe Mirror Shows A Reflection Of A Person That They Don't Like" - AMEL LARRIEUX


So you know Couture... EDWIN D'angelou smacks down.

How could I forget this memorable designer? I got to experience first hand the exqusite collection of Mr. D'Angelou collection during Mercedes Benz fashion week. I have to say such a gifted fashion designer. What I love about couture is the imagination that it brings, the free range of creativity expressed artistically,and asthetically pleasing for the fashionable eye. His collection seems to play off this ever growing trend of bring black and white black, and accentauting this phantom of the opera feel. (you can see more in my fashion week documentary in Feb. post.) I dont know how long this guy has been around, but i'm sure we will be seeing more of him in the near future.