Friday, June 10, 2011

The Ultimate MAN purse... every girl needs their accesories...

In my very imaginative mind, it's easy for a girl to get carried away and get lost and thought, and their have been many times where I would wonder, what man would I "wear" with my best outfit, and I composed the perfect closet mate for that little black dress! Introducing the karyn jenius 2011 collection of SEXY ASS

1. Summer Lover in Hampton White: Flowy Ruffles and Jason Lewis

This sugar pie is sure to be a complimentary accessory to any summer affair, he is sure to be needed with your sling backs and sheer. He will be giving you a wink through out the evening, as well as forehead kisses, sipping on moet... then ending the evening on a motorcycle ride in the dominican mountains.

2. Sunday Best blessed with Chris Paul...

I think of my stylish impressario glamourotti Andrea Harrell, who mentioned this hooping honey... If your going to be holding hands near the ball park, you better bust out your best floral Marc Jacobs ensemble. (this of course if you plan on a picnic with southern fried chicken, cucumbers, and Hard Mikes afterward.)Not to mention if you plan on stopping by to meet the mom's because he definately is the boy next door!

3. Cut-Out Hugging Dress with Michael Fassbender...

A night out on the town at the trendiest lounge, fast paced music, and late night kisses behind a sheer curtain, better be shared with this edgy dapper stallion. Sure to compliment your outfit with his piercing blue eyes and sultry voice, and intense stare... Bandeau anyone! Weil er Supergeldstrafe ist!

4. Classic Mini in Laz Alonso...

There is no better accesory to accompany you to a sambuca or salsa dancing but that little black dress and pipping hot Laz Alonso. He will be sure to be feeding you Arroz con avichelos negros and sopapillas, with hot passionate kissed. Dont forget your clutch!

5. Power Suit Princess tailored with Takeshi K...

Power Lunches, and Midafternoon quickies, couldn't better be spent looking well put and on the arm of Takeshi Kinisharo. You will be sure to say "Domo Arrigato" pinning your scorpion broche to your power blazer, and hand in hand with this Tokyo temptation!



Have We Seen it All? Has fashion stopped inventing?

I remember being a kid, and rummaging through my mothers closet and trying on her eau de chic clothes, and trying to feel fashionable. I even remember taking some of my mothers blouses and revamping them to use for fashion shows and photo shoots, back in my design days. It was like her closet was the Xerox copy of style… always able to reinvented and used again.
Looking forward to 2011, it seems as though every fashion cycle has been repeated, leaving us to mesh all styles together as one… which there is no complaint on my part, cause I like fashion in any era, however, I question what happened to the same spark of creativity that spawned the first go-around??

It’s almost as if the design dreams have stop dreaming, leaving us to take a piece here, and a piece there. Ultimately, I love fashion, and fashion is forever!

Cheers up to taffeta!

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Talk to the Hand..." cause nail strips are in demand!

All this time, I have spent countless nights trying to conjure up in my mind what should my next nail design be… A woman’s nails are the closest thing to an original Picasso that we can cherish and show off. As we sit for hours at the nail salon, paying three dollars for every two nails to have one of kind decals and designs, we find ourselves shelling out anywhere from 25$ to 50$.

These days with the economy being in mere devastations, frugal fashionistas have to take a stand, and good ole Aunt Sally, as in Sally Hensen has heard our cry. Sally Hensen launching their nail polish strips gives you salon quality artistry, and minimal dry time for your pretty polished carpals.

It’s a great save, with polish designs starting at 8 whopping bucks, and added bonus, are the variety of styles for any style maven to choose from… so if you’re a southern belle, or city chic, Sally, has a strip for you!

Check out designs on

Happy Painting!


Sunday, June 5, 2011

"These Boot are Made for Walking...

Every girl looks forward to walking into the shoe store to buy that immaculate pair of shoes that is the envy of every woman of the party (or the club in some cases), only to find that the shoe cost more than her virginity, and limbs, but it ranks almost as much as the hope diamond. As discouraging as it may seem, all hope is not lost, and she can emerge out of her closet victoriously doing the “pretty girl rock” to steps of current shoe designer Jeffery Campbell.

With intricately, wild, and funky designs, Jeffery Campbell shoes, give you the “jene se coi” of avant garde. With asymmetrical heeled boots, to studded pumps, and tribal flats, these master pieces of foot wear range from $125 to 350. Sure enough to be exclusive, but not too expensive to sell your first born. These are definitely a jenius fave, and sure to have you walking out the shoe store saying “pump, pump, pump, it up!” check Jeffrey Campbell shoes @



Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Woman's Worth...

We have all had them, those relationships that shake us to our core, and devastate our being. We have all compromised ourselves, and did it in the name of love. My question is at what cost do we say this is all we deserve? Our society perpetuates this superficial beauty, and with its artificial appeal, it tells us that the more beautiful we look, the more deserving we are of great relationships. Is this true? So less desiring people or people who are not socially deemed beautiful are forced to be doomed to failing ones?
My thoughts came while I was stopping at corner store. I looked over and noticed a young heavy set woman, in a car with a burly man. There was an infant in the back seat, and the man was smoking. Now on first sight the normal person radar would drop all kind of assumptions and say, they were “trailer trash” or “why is she with him” or just whatever negative connotations they would have drummed up in their heads. At first sight I even wondered what was up with what I was staring at. The girl had a pretty face, but she was plump. She would be disregarded by society because she didn’t fit the mold. And despite first impressions, it was her facial expression that said it all too me. As the man in the driver seat was smoking his cigarette, he was also yelling at her about something, and based on her facial expression and her eyes looking down, it was apparent he was demeaning her about something. The baby was crying in the back, and everything else became crystal clear: she thought that this was what she deserved. This was the best she was going to do, so she settled for it. I’m not saying because she was “heavy set” that this is what she deserves… but had she been a model, I’m sure she would be in a Benz being showered with all kinds of gifts (still could be getting treated unfairly, but while being lavished) I thought to myself how unfair it was how we let our self worth, or what we value of our own self worth to determine what we deserve. In no way am I placing judgment, but what I am saying is, no matter what your situation is, or how we “appear” , one thing is for sure… we deserve the best.

At the Top.. there is no looking down.

I never understood selfish people, self-absorbed, malicious, and vindictive people. In fact I never understood why they think the world revolves around them; however I learned that one, the world doesn’t revolve around them, and two, the end up tortured and lonely as they get older (which actually works cause they are all about themselves, so they should end up with themselves lol.)
My biggest complaint is those who will do anything to get to the top, including cutting others down, treat them like crap, and spit them out. What is so great about being at the top, that you have to hurt everyone while trying to get there? At some point you will have to get down, and if you ever been to the empire state building, that’s a long gruesome fall. And that’s just it, the ride down isn’t a pleasant one, it’s a painful one. But I guess that’s just what they will have encountered when they get there.
In no way do I feel like a left behind-er , but I will admit that lately I have been encountering people that are eager for fame, popularity, and money all for the wrong reasons. The sad part about it, is while they are at the top, their tears will be falling down, and no one will be there to catch them…
Just food for thought.


Sunday, September 26, 2010


As alwasys it was great to partake in the National Fashion Night out in Neiman Marcus, though we didnt make all the shows, it was just great to know that fashion is still breathing, people are still breathing it, and we are all still surviving off it's fabulousness!