Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Woman's Worth...

We have all had them, those relationships that shake us to our core, and devastate our being. We have all compromised ourselves, and did it in the name of love. My question is at what cost do we say this is all we deserve? Our society perpetuates this superficial beauty, and with its artificial appeal, it tells us that the more beautiful we look, the more deserving we are of great relationships. Is this true? So less desiring people or people who are not socially deemed beautiful are forced to be doomed to failing ones?
My thoughts came while I was stopping at corner store. I looked over and noticed a young heavy set woman, in a car with a burly man. There was an infant in the back seat, and the man was smoking. Now on first sight the normal person radar would drop all kind of assumptions and say, they were “trailer trash” or “why is she with him” or just whatever negative connotations they would have drummed up in their heads. At first sight I even wondered what was up with what I was staring at. The girl had a pretty face, but she was plump. She would be disregarded by society because she didn’t fit the mold. And despite first impressions, it was her facial expression that said it all too me. As the man in the driver seat was smoking his cigarette, he was also yelling at her about something, and based on her facial expression and her eyes looking down, it was apparent he was demeaning her about something. The baby was crying in the back, and everything else became crystal clear: she thought that this was what she deserved. This was the best she was going to do, so she settled for it. I’m not saying because she was “heavy set” that this is what she deserves… but had she been a model, I’m sure she would be in a Benz being showered with all kinds of gifts (still could be getting treated unfairly, but while being lavished) I thought to myself how unfair it was how we let our self worth, or what we value of our own self worth to determine what we deserve. In no way am I placing judgment, but what I am saying is, no matter what your situation is, or how we “appear” , one thing is for sure… we deserve the best.

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