Sunday, October 11, 2009

Haters Served on a Silver Platter with an Onion Cream Sauce

you're nothing with out haters... ironic as that sounds, our experiences with adversity and public guile shape the success that we are destined to be... Recently i have had many oppositions and challenges, but despite the people who wish to see me fall, I need those "naysayers" to capault me to my destiny. When the smoke clears i'll be the last one standing, and thats what makes them so precious to the life journey. There are all kinds of haters and smooches, but you need them all to 1.keep you in your place of humility; 2. strengthen your character 3. prove that the theory that good people finish last, cause when its all said and done, people always remember who showed up late :). now let me break it down to you the type of people that you should watch for but at the same time blow off to their ignorance as well:

1. The "Nay"Sayers:
The people, who no matter what you do, think you will never accomplish, finish, or carry out any task, and they live by this code with EVERYTHING YOU DO.

2. The Manipulators and Dominatrix: these are the people that try to buddy up with the right people to get ahead, which you should always have a smart tactic, but in the process they step over and on everyone else to get there, and dominate the people they are budding with to overlook true and genuine persons to not take shine off themseleves.

3. The Jelous Jeffries: these can be the most dangerous, they either hate you because they are jealous of you, or love you because they are jealous of you... either one ends up in a crime of passion and the six oclock news.

4. The Oblivous "Ibeliveinfairytales" people: these are the people that although are primarily optimistic, once you mention anything that may deter from their "bubble of fantasies" that the world is perfect, think your the worse person in the world. These kind of people you have let them see the disaster for themselves instead of telling them, because they will just make it seem like your negative and pessimistic, when actuality they havent seen the truth.

but either way... no matter what you do, its not about proving to people how much you can beat their opposition, its about continuing to push through the challenge when one presents itself. (not to say that positive people are not substansial, but if you always heard how great you are, how would you recognize your need for self imporvement????)

im just saying tho


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