Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Glam Society...

While sipping on a glass of Demi Sec, and enjoying a fashionable evening with my femme fatales, I started to think... have we as a people conjured up this "glamourous" society? Have we envoked a spirt of glitz and glitter?
I had a moment of conflict, here I was enjoying my hooked up 25 dollar bottle, with flatbread pizza topped with duck and proscuitto, and I couldn't help but wonder, what about the babies in africa, the starved in India, the hungry in Gaza? Drunkingly I sip and as I enjoy my company, laughs, convo, and my bubbly, I started to get the feeling that this was great, but it wasn't everything. More over I took a chill pill and realized it was the champagne talking, and putting all this thought into something I have no control over, is taking away from the blessing that i'm not starved, and am fourtunate to dress, and do what I work hard for. In light of that I still put into perspective that though at the present time this may be the case, it wont always be this "glittery and golden", and their will come time where this glam life will cease, and it humbled me to be mindful, not to indulge in excess, while others are suffering, really focus on whats important. I guess the whole point of this entry is realizing... Im blessed, be greatful... but be necessary.

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