Friday, August 20, 2010


Super –Artificial-Plastic-Silicone-a Docious…

Why? Someone explain to me, how beauty is only skin deep, when it seems to be injected with botox?
How did beautiful equate to being morphed and distorted? I find it hard to digest the “beautiful people” of this world deceive us with their outer beauty, that has been molded to look like something similar to plastic packaging. They say God loves us just the way we are, but if the story serves me right; I thought we were made out of clay not polymer?
It has indeed bothered me that every where I go, I see non stop images of these so called women who are beautiful that have been “tweaked” here and there. Their noses, cheeks, and lips looking like something similar to fifth element. I don’t even get how that is even beautiful to look like an alien. Infact I’m conflicted to how it is even appropriate that people do all that to themselves and are still insecure. I get stuff like braces, the dermatologist, and even hair extensions; however I don’t get looking like a beauty pageant rejectt fresh out of the microwave. By the way you never hear people say “OMG, her nose looks amazing!” … in fact you hear suspicion in peoples voices, “I bet she got her nose done, because she looks weird.” I mean I get it, you shouldn’t even care what people think, but at the same time, if it aint broke don’t fix it. I believe if you’re not happy with what you look like, than by all means change it, but some change is irreversible and damaging. MY opinion (which doesn’t even matter) is work on the things that really are important like an attitude. Cause lately some people’s attitudes I have encountered have been ridiculous and as they say “off the chain.”
Happy botox…



I … a single letter, that’s in a single space, which is a single word, which is a single person, containing a single soul.
A hug with no arms to wrap around, a kiss with no others lips.
A story ears have never heard, a hand that never met hands which have never been touched.
A space contained, a space maintained, a space remained… despite seeking comfort
There’s nothing to claim.
Lost in thoughts, Lost in fears, Lost in dreams, Lost in tears.
Sometimes productive, sometimes stale, sometimes inventing, sometimes sitting still.
Even in the brightest light is the darkest hour, an infinite night,
A hole so deep, a wound so great, an infliction so raw, a desire to escape…
We stand among many, neither coming nor going, and though there are plenty, we are still…

“One Small Step for Man… and Giant Step for the Fashioned Kind…”

At some point we are all scared to step out on that proverbial “limb”, the fact of getting so far out there and not being able to come back. I often set these high goals and expectations for myself only to find that I am only setting myself up for failure… I realized that at times we can be so scared to throw ourselves out there, because there may not be anyone or anything there to catch us …
So, it time to get to strutting…


The Truth about Kitty...

Kitty is soft, she is gentle, she is fragile…
Sometimes kitty does whatever she wants, and it may not be the best choices…
But it felt good at the time.
Kitty at times feels blue, and if you make her mad sometimes Kitty see’s red.
Kitty can be feisty, especially when she gets wet… but feels good when she lays next to you in bed.
Sometimes kitty just wants to be pet, sometimes kitty just wants to play, sometimes kitty just feels.